Sunday, August 5, 2012

Top 10: Drinks For Guys

You may love the taste of Sex on the Beaches and Apple Martinis, but ordering these sweet, colorful drinks may cramp your style. A real man’s drink is strong, sour and stings a little on the way down. So, treat your masculine self to a drink oozing with machismo, one without the fruit flavor or cherry garnish, one from our top 10 drinks for guys.

Show off your rugged, testosterone-dripping, macho-soaked side by knocking back one of these drinks at your local watering hole. Show the ladies that you can handle your hard liquor like a pro, and they’ll be swooning over your manliness in no time.

Number 10

Bulleit Neat

Nothing says “brawny man” like a glass of bourbon. No ice, no frills -- just you and the drink. So, down it like man, slam your glass on the bar and order yourself another one of these top 10 drinks for guys.

Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz Bulleit Bourbon

How to prepare it: Pour the Bourbon in a rock glass.

Type of man it makes you: Get spied with a Bulleit Neat in your hand, and your image will scream, “Rugged Marlboro man.” 

Number 9

Billionaire’s Margarita

A manly twist on a “female” drink, a Billionaire’s Margarita is a delicious way to stay festive while still maintaining your macho reputation.

5 oz crushed ice
1 oz Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia
1/2 oz Grand Marnier Cuvée du Centenaire
2 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
1 lime wedge

How to prepare it: Fill a shaker with ice and add the Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia, Grand Marnier Cuvée du Centenaire and lime juice. Shake it well, pour it into a glass with ice and garnish it with a lime wedge.

Type of man it makes you: What’s in a name? Absolutely everything. Order a Billionaire’s Margarita while decked out in your business wear and you’ll certainly look the part of the sophisticated and appealingly dangerous tycoon.

Number 8

A Hole In One

What makes a man a man? Why, his love of sport, of course. Order A Hole in One and you’ll be oozing with the manly athleticism that sets you apart from the rest of the bar crowd.

1 1/2 oz Johnnie Walker Red Label
1 tbsp honey
3 oz unsweetened tea
1 lemon wedge

How to prepare it: Add the Johnnie Walker Red Label, honey and unsweetened tea in a glass; stir it and serve over ice. Garnish the drink with a lemon wedge.

Type of man it makes you: A Hole in One defines you as a country-club socialite, so why not play the part? Throw on your best polo shirt, head to a swanky bar and order yourself a glass of No. 8 in our top 10 drinks for guys.

Number 7


Stride coolly to the bar, lean in closely to the barmaid and aloofly say, “Kamikaze.” Ordering this shot will make you look and sound like a tough guy.

1 1/4 oz Smirnoff  Red Label Vodka
1/4 oz triple sec
1/4 oz lime juice or sour mix

How to prepare it: Shake the vodka, triple sec and lime juice together, pour in a shot glass and serve.

Type of man it makes you: A Kamikaze drinker is adventurous, bold and outdoorsy. He takes chances, and has battle scars from a motorcycle accident or from rock climbing that women find extremely sexy.

Number 6

Buchanan’s En Las Rochas

This after-dinner drink not only amplifies your classy, masculineside, but it also hits the spot.

Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz Buchanan's

How to prepare it: Add the Buchanan's over ice and serve.

Type of man it makes you: Sipping a Buchanan’s en Las Rochas says you’re a worldly man -- cultured, well traveled and multilingual. Who cares if it’s not true? At least you’ll look good.

Number 5

Perfect Pour

Sit back, relax and enjoy the smooth taste of a Perfect Pour. You’ll be safeguarding your manly side with this burly drink in your hand.

Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz Johnnie Walker Blue Label

How to prepare it: 
Serve the Johnnie Walker Blue Label neat in a snifter alongside a glass of ice water. Sip the Johnnie Walker Blue Label and cleanse your palate with a sip of ice water.

Type of man it makes you: A man who nurses his Perfect Pour -- holding the stem of his glass between his middle and ring finger, swirling the liquid around and taking the time to enjoy the aroma before sipping -- says loads about your personality. You’re the type of guy who likes to take his time -- whether it comes to making important decisions or pleasing your lady.

Number 4

Black Velvet

Talk, dark and delicious… no, it’s not the exotic beauty at the end of the bar, but the ice-cold Black Velvet you have in your hand. This frosty-glass drink is sure to up your machismo level a few notches.

3/4 pint Guinness
1/4 pint champagne

How to prepare it: Pour Guinness in a tall glass and top it off with champagne.

Type of man it makes you: A Black Velvet exploits your dual personality: the brawny, beer-drinking side and its classy, champagne-drinking counterpart.

Number 3

Captain & Cola

Yes, you can still have a cola-inspired drink and show off your manliness -- as long as it’s mixed with something red-blooded, likerum.

1 1/2 oz Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum
6 oz cola
1 lime slice

How to prepare it: Add the Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum and cola in an ice-filled pint glass and stir it. Garnish the drink with a lime slice.

Type of man it makes you: 
The Captain & Cola drinker is a man in charge; he’s sophisticated, he’s in control and all eyes are on him when he walks in the room. So, grab a Captain & Cola and try your dandiest to exude that persona.

Number 2

Dirty Martini

As demonstrated by James Bond, the Dry Martini is certainly a man’s drink. So, how can it can get any manlier? Make it a little “Dirty” and suddenly you have the words "vigorous" and "powerful" written all over you.


1 1/2 oz Smirnoff Red Label Vodka
1 splash olive juice
1 olive

How to prepare it: In a shaker with ice, add the Smirnoff Red Label Vodka and olive juice. Shake it and strain the drink into a martini glass. Garnish it with an olive.

Type of man it makes you: If you dapple in the Dirty Martini, you’re definitely a man who appreciates the classics, but you aren’t afraid to try anything with a modern twist. This kind of diversity makes the Dirty Martini drinker an appealing, urban sophisticate.

Number 1

All-Irish Black And Tan

Nothing says manliness more than a pint of beer, and nothing shouts manliness off the rooftops more than a pint of Guinness. Order an All-Irish Black and Tan and flash your testosterone-fueled self with pride.

1/2 pint Smithwick's Ale
1/2 pint Guinness Draught

How to prepare it: Add the Smithwick's Ale to a pint glass, and then add the Guinness by pouring it over the back of a spoon.

Type of man it makes you: If you favor the All-Irish Black and Tan, you come across as the fun-loving life of the party. You seem approachable, you can always be counted on for a wild story and your rugged appeal sets you apart from the rest of the bar hoppers.

You Are What You Drink

Never mind that delicious daiquiri -- you want a man’s beverage. Just like the clothes you wear and the company you keep, the drink you order speaks mountains about who you are. So, during your next night out on the town, walk up to the barmaid, flex a manly muscle, lower that husky voice and order a real man’s drink.

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