Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Foods Not to Eat With Kidney Stones
Photo Credit ruby chard image by hazel proudlove from
Kidney stones are caused by crystals in the urine that clump together. Small crystals may pass out of the body unnoticed, but larger crystals may cause considerable pain and require medical treatment. If you suffer from kidney stones, your doctor may recommend that you reduce the amount of foods containing oxalates in your diet. Oxalates are organic acids that occur naturally in plants, animals and humans. Your doctor may also suggest reducing foods that increase uric acid or limit servings of foods high in calcium, as both uric acid and calcium may exacerbate symptoms of kidney stones. Your doctor will give you specific recommendations based on the underlying cause of your kidney stones.


Vegetables high in oxalates include Swiss chard, celery, collards, leeks, beets, okra, beans, mustard greens, sweet potatoes, green beans, summer squash, kale, spinach, watercress, peppers, collards, rhubarb, eggplant, soybeans and white corn. Vegetables you should avoid if your stones are caused by uric acid include legumes, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus and mushrooms.


Fruits high in oxalates include blueberries, tangerines, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, red currants, concord grapes and citrus peel.


Foods that can increase uric acid include herring, sardines, anchovies and organ meats including sweetbreads and liver. Your doctor may recommend that you limit oysters, which are high in calcium. If you have uric acid stones, your doctor may recommend limiting the amount of meat you consume at each meal.


Your doctor may recommend that you limit dairy foods containing calcium including cheese and yogurt. Beverages high in oxalates include coffee, beer, cocoa and tea. Mineral water may contain calcium; ask your doctor about consuming mineral water if you have kidney stones. Other foods high in oxalates include chocolate, tofu, parsley, chives, pecans and wheat germ. Other foods that can increase uric acid include yeast (baker's yeast or brewer's yeast), gravy, consomme and alcoholic beverages. If you have kidney stones, your doctor may recommend that you avoid foods that are high in salt, like tomato juice or processed foods, or foods that are high in fat

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