Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Farmville Cheats

Are you one of those who has a Facbook Farmville account and don’t have time to plant and plow… but wants to be the best. If so , the only solution for you are farmville cheats Here’s the list of best Farmville Cheats with video instructions , that I found while surfing the net.

Want to Learn FarmVille Today?
“Farmville Secrets” is The Original Farmville strategy guide, widely popular online. If you don’t want to waste your time Googling your way to the answers every day, download this eBook and you can have it all in one place. It also includes free updates, the game changes – guide updates! You’ll learn:

* Current Techniques for Dominating The Game!
* 100% Legal and Totally Hack-Free Techniques

Go on a guided video tour of “FarmVille Secrets “ and see the amazing things you can do with this guide! Seriously, you’ll love it, it’a a great read ;)


Farmville Cheats :
Cheat : A code in game that will easy the task for you to complete a mission or else , build fast … etc

1)Add FarmVille neighbors

This is a fairly quick and easy way to add many people as your neighbor in the FaceBook application FarmVille. Make sure you don’t add anyone that doesn’t want to be added! You are likely to be rejected. Make sure you don’t add people that posted an “add me!!!” in an update a few weeks ago. Try and add people in the most recent updates. This way, the people you’re adding are likely to still play FarmVille, and are thus more likely to send gifts!

video :

2)Auto harvest in Farmville

3)How to Stack Hay Bales and create other Effects

4)Buy trees continuously in Farmville on Facebook

5)Calculate profit and harvests on FarmVille

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to calculate profit and harvests on FarmVille (09/12/09). Check out this FarmVille calculator to get all of the info on certain crops, times, and profit margins.

6)How to cheat FarmVille using Cheat Engine

7)FarmVille Speedtrick

This is what I found useful in Farmville cheats , I hope you enjoy it .

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