Welcome for free wallpapers download for your mobile

We recommned you to download wallpapers depending on your mobile screen size. If you dont get it of your size then you can save to youe computer then resize it using any image editing software.
All the links given by us are only to free sites where you can download unlimited wallpapers for free.
If you know any other good site offering free downloads you can suggest that in our guestbook and if found good it will be updated to our site with your name as referal.

  Mobile 9       Our rating: 8/10
At this site, you'll find loads of free wallpapers for your mobile phone.
It have wallpaper suiting to your screen size.
  Download wallpaper 128 X 160 Wallpapers    176 X 220 Wallpapers    240 X 320 Wallpapers                visitors review: 9.2/10
  Phone Wallpapers       Our rating: 7/10
This site offers a good roundup of free mobile phone wallpapers.
The site includes instructions for adding the wallpapers to your phone.
Image categories here include animals, cars, holidays, movies/TV, sports, and more.
  Download wallpaper now                visitors review: 8/10
  Pix2Fone        Our rating: 7/10
pix 2 fone is a free service that lets you easily create custom wallpapers, backgrounds and logos for your cell phone.
You can use Pix2Fone online, or download it as an extension to Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
Pix2Fone can be used worldwide and supports virtually all models of cell phones that have color displays.
  Download wallpaper now                visitors review: 7/10        Our rating: 6/10
Mobcrop is a free service lets you easily create and upload your own wallpapers and logos for your mobile phone.
You can download images via WAP, or to your PC. No registration is required to use this service.
Image formats supported include JPEG, GIF and PNG.
  Download wallpaper now                visitors review: 7/10